Canadian Bitcoin Miner Plans to Heat an Entire City over Winter
October 24, 2021There are many projects devoted to supplying residential areas with so-called "trash heat" that is taken from operating data centers and other facilities. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has not yet acquired widespread use. That said, the idea of utilizing "trash heat" is still worth pursuing and could be implemented on a local scale, especially if there is a crypto farm in your town. Since the cryptocurrency mining process generates a significant amount of heat, it would be wasteful not to make use of this resource.
This is exactly what MintGreen, a Canadian cryptocurrency miner, aims to accomplish. MintGreen plans to heat at least 100 homes and offices in the small Canadian town of North Vancouver in British Columbia.
The miner developed and patented a heat recovery system by immersing equipment in a coolant medium. It is said that approximately 96% of the heat produced can be converted into a reusable heat source. Furthermore, for each megawatt, 20,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas that would have originally been generated by natural gas will be prevented from entering the atmosphere.
According to an agreement with the local boiler operator, Lonsdale Energy Corp, the system will begin supplying heat to residents' homes and industrial needs in 2022.
If the reuse of "trash heat" from crypto mining is successful, hopefully, the system will be implemented to cover more residential homes, and the use of heat as a byproduct from operating centers, crypto mining, and other facilities will become a popular, widespread method of heating homes and offices in the future.