Clothes That Can Save Your Life

Clothes That Can Save Your Life

July 11, 2021

SlashPRO clothing is developed by PPSS, a company focused on the production of next-generation body armor that’s both effective and reliable. The CEO of the company, Robert Kaiser, is so confident in the quality of the protective gear that he personally tests the product on himself by allowing trained professionals to cut, bite and even shoot him while wearing the body armor. 

Cut and bite-proof clothing is designed to provide maximum protection against direct and slashing knives and other sharp objects. But at the same time, the clothing does not hinder the wearer’s mobility and intentionally looks as simple as possible to not attract the attention of others.

The protective clothes are made from high-performance carbon fiber, and there are various options, from oversleeves and balaclavas to fully protected hoodies.

Homeland security professionals (police, prison, border control, immigration, and customs) and private security professionals already wear SlashPRO clothing in many countries worldwide. 

The protective clothing is designed not only for professional and military use but also for ordinary citizens who live in areas with a high crime rate.

Safety is a basic human need, and thanks to the development of new technology, we can witness how this protective body armor could save someone’s life.

Here is the video demonstration of the clothing being tested: 

