Five emerging online trends you need to know about
March 15, 2023The world is experiencing what we have been calling “technology taking over” for the last two decades. Not that the world is not yet saturated with advanced technologies, but this time the world is embracing new forms of advanced technologies, ranging from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality and some new forms of innovation such as Blockchain.
The impact of these technologies is being felt in every aspect of the human profession and industries, hence the reason for this article. Let's take a look at the five emerging online trends that will be of great benefit to you if you embrace them.
The metaverse: this invention aims to make the online world more like the real one, where we interact with others in a 3D virtual world represented by an avatar. With a virtual reality (VR) headset, you will be able to interact with people and possibly do other activities such as shopping, playing games, etc. Tech giants such as YouTube parent Alphabet and Meta are building libraries of 360-degree video and images, including computer-generated objects and backgrounds, to enable the programming of 3D environments that avatars can explore in the virtual environment.
Cognitive technology: This includes natural language processing (NLP), generative AI and speech recognition, all of which perform simple and complex tasks by simply learning. This software, when automated and integrated, can serve as a digital assistant. Chatbots such as ChatGPT and image-generating software such as Dall-E are already making waves, and more tech companies such as Google and Meta are joining the trend.
Digital Certificates: NFT (non-fungible tokens) is the more widely accepted digital token and certificate that certifies the purchase of digital creations marketed in the Metaverse. More specifically, the introduction of the Metaverse guarantees that owners of 360-degree videos and computer-generated landscapes will be able to trade their digital creations using NFT as legal tender. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram have introduced NFTs to their users, while MasterCard and Visa have made it possible to purchase NFTs with their cards.
Internet of Things (IOT): this idea allows the integration of all technological devices connected to the Internet, all of which work together, creating a perfect alliance between the physical and digital worlds. Taking marketing as an example, IoT provides information on how a customer interacts with a product by analysing how they interact with their digital device. This data could be used to optimise marketing campaigns and the user experience.
Blockchain: this is a type of digital record or ledger that helps to underpin a private network of people online, providing a safe space for them, free from trolls or fraud. The record of activity provided by the blockchain can't be changed, and the information is stored across a network of computers, making it harder to hack.
These are not the last inventions the world may see, as many hands are now on deck to program and innovate deeper technologies that are believed to be of great benefit to human existence on earth.