How to choose the right low-code, no-code, or process automation platform

How to choose the right low-code, no-code, or process automation platform

September 10, 2024

This guide will equip you to select the perfect low-code, no-code, or process automation platform for your organisation. 

The recent explosion of these platforms can be confusing, but with the right approach, you can unlock significant benefits such as:

1. Faster application development to meet changing market demands.
2. Reduced costs by minimising reliance on traditional coding.
3. Improved efficiency through streamlined workflows and automation.
4. Empowering employees to participate in process improvement.

Before you dive in, consider these seven key questions:

1. Is the platform built for your industry and needs?  Research the vendor's target audience and case studies to ensure their platform aligns with your specific challenges.

2. Versatility is key. Look for a platform that supports a variety of use cases across different departments, from IT to sales. Avoid solutions that create technical debt or siloed operations.

3. Who will be using the platform?  Low-code caters to developers, while no-code empowers business users with basic tech skills. Many platforms offer both options, and some even incorporate AI tools to create applications.

4. Embrace innovation.  Investigate how the platform utilises AI to streamline development and enhance user experience. Look for features like search, summarisation, and prediction capabilities.

5. Seamless integration is crucial.  Ensure the platform connects with your existing SaaS tools, applications, and data sources. Evaluate the platform's API capabilities and ease of integration.

Must read: Angular vs Vue: Which framework to choose in 2024.

6. Learning curve matters. Consider how easy it is to get started. Aim for a platform with intuitive design and comprehensive documentation.

7. Security and compliance are top priorities.  Develop a template outlining your non-functional requirements, including security, operations, and data protection. Select a platform that aligns with your industry regulations and scalability needs.

Remember: Low-code/no-code platforms are powerful tools, but they're not magic solutions. Carefully evaluate their capabilities against your specific needs to ensure a successful implementation.

Read more: Mobile app development without coding: Is it really worth considering?

Here are some additional tips:

1. Define your success metrics: Before you begin, establish clear goals to measure the platform's impact.
2. Consider alternative solutions: Explore AI-powered development options that reduce coding needs.
3. Develop an exit strategy:  Choose a platform that allows for easy export of your work in case you need to switch providers.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to selecting the ideal platform to automate your business processes and achieve your digital transformation goals.
